Ownership: Revenue Properties

Being owners-investors ourselves, we maximize investor value by creating a wide portfolio of real estate and hospitality assets, generating strong cash flow and dividends, and ultimately, substantial capital gains as trends eventually reverse. This portfolio will be expanded both in existing locations and new locations.

SGI focuses on “asset selection” by identifying and purchasing assets at a low price, off market deals – such as from banks, distressed sellers, or other properties at steep discounts, with the potential to increase yield from rent and reduced costs resulting from efficient management methodology.

Core Stabilized Properties

  • Targeting dominant and stabilized properties in established markets:

    • Allowing the rapid implantation of a critical mass in selected markets

    • Balancing the portfolio with high-profile tenants and long-term leases

    • Accessing large and strategic sites that can then be out-parceled or carved out for VA&D projects

    • Managing through our own in-house Management Division allows fee recycling, more standardized service delivery, and cost control

625 President Kennedy